16th Annual Good Life Bicycle Ride

Register today for the Alabama Coastal Foundation's 16th Annual Good Life Bicyle Ride! In 2025, we are conducting the Good Life Ride on Saturday, May 10 and we will open registration at 8:15am in the parking lot to the east of Lake Shelby Playground (20110 AL-135, Gulf Shores, AL 36542). This year, we are providing two routes through the scenic Gulf State Park: a 9 mile and also a 17 mile tour. The 17 mile route will begin at 8:47am after the safety briefing and the 9 mile will start at 9:09am. Everyone is still able to stop at the Nature Center and then gather after the Ride at Woodside Restaurant for some great food and beverages!


Q. Is the Good Life Ride a race?

A. No: The Good Life Ride is a fun, leisurely bicycle ride through the scenic Hugh S. Branyon Backcountry Trails at the Alabama Gulf State Park. There is a 10-mile-per-hour speed limit for bicycles.

Q. Where is the money going?

A. Proceeds will support bicycle safety awareness. Please check out our videos: www.joinACF.org/lcc

Q. Can I rent bikes?

A. Yes @ www.infinity-bicycles.com and @ www.amberjackebikerentals.com

Q. Do you have a link for discounted lodging related to the 2025 GLR?

A. Yes @ https://gulfshoressports.bookdirect.net/#/lodgings?campaign=gulfshores-large-bookingwidget&checkin=20250509&checkout=20250511&locale=en


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